Home | Pets | Adairs Green Pet Bed Fetch Belgian Multi Greens Check Linen Pet Bed
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Adairs Green Pet Bed Fetch Belgian Multi Greens Check Linen Pet Bed


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The Fetch Belgian Multi Greens Check Linen Pet Bed from Adairs is a luxurious green pet bed measuring 88cm x 70cm x 15cm. It has a feather-filled design inspired by the Belgian Linen Vintage Washed Linen Cushion. This stylish pet bed is a great addition to any home and goes well with the Oasis Rattan Dog Bed (sold separately).

Adairs Price History

RedTicket Price Drop Detected - Adairs Green Pet Bed Fetch Belgian Multi Greens Check Linen Pet Bed, Previously $, Now $139.99, Saving -$

RedTicket Price History - Adairs Green Pet Bed Fetch Belgian Multi Greens Check Linen Pet Bed
Last updated Tuesday 9th April.

About Adairs Green Pet Bed Fetch Belgian Multi Greens Check Linen Pet Bed - Adairs

The Fetch Belgian Multi Greens Check Linen Pet Bed from Adairs is a luxurious pet bed in a green colour measuring 88cm x 70cm x 15cm. It features a feather-filled design inspired by the best-selling Belgian Linen Vintage Washed Linen Cushion. This stylish pet bed is the perfect addition to any home and pairs perfectly with the Oasis Rattan Dog Bed (sold separately).

More Information About Pets

Retail Pets products offer a wide variety of pet supplies and accessories, from food and toys to grooming and health products. They provide pet owners with the highest quality products available at competitive prices, giving them the ability to keep their beloved pets happy and healthy. Retail Pets products also provide personalized customer service and an expansive selection of products from top brands, so pet owners can be sure to find exactly what they need when they shop with them.

Information About Adairs

Adairs stands as a beacon of quality and sustainability in the Australian homewares market. Their in-house design team goes beyond creating visually appealing products; they focus on long-lasting quality. Whether it's bed linens that are STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certified or down-filled items that adhere to the Responsible Down Standard (RDS), Adairs is committed to ethical and sustainable practices. Their furniture range, made from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified timber, further solidifies their commitment to responsible sourcing.

The company's eco-friendly initiatives extend beyond their product range. Starting in 2023, Adairs will phase out plastic bags in their stores, encouraging customers to opt for reusable bags. The proceeds from these bags support Orange Sky, an organisation dedicated to aiding those facing hardship and homelessness. When you shop at Adairs, you're not just elevating your home's style; you're also making a positive impact on the environment and community.

Adairs Green Pet Bed Fetch Belgian Multi Greens Check Linen Pet Bed

